How will the unemployment and economic recession (or recessions as it more looks like) affect the New Silents in the U.S.? Amongst several dismal prognoses, over a quarter of this generation is expected to endure child poverty - and that is a conservative estimate. Derek Thompson...
Crowdsourcing is the new outsourcing when it comes to corporate savings. Outsourcing is a way of paying cheaply for services in low cost countries. Crowdsourcing is getting additional savings by engaging vast sources of amateurs and experts anywhere to do it for free - services...
Eight years to the day after George W. Bush declared "Mission Accomplished", President Obama tells us tonight that one huge mission is indeed accomplished. And this time with more hard evidence than last time - and no embarrassing looking bomber jacket. A small U.S....
Remember Aldus Huxley's 'decanting bottles'? Or Gattaca? Well, that future is already here - kind of. Two methods of splicing human eggs during in vitro fertilization can rule out diseases linked to mutations in the Mitochondria, or the cellular structures that produce energy for the cell. Mitochondria mutations...
The file sharing police is doomed to lose against a generation of smug pirates. This is what Swedish research group Cybernorms concludes with after measuring social norms in the file sharing community. The researchers found that 75 percent of 15 - 25 year olds feel...