terrorism Tag

breastfeeding A baby nursing at mother’s breast will ingest a better concoction of vitamins, sugars, essential minerals and proteins than Purina Petfood could ever dream of providing for the world’s most pedigreed show dogs. Baby will also benefit from enzymes and antibodies that can ward off ailments ranging from nasty infections to cancer. Mixed in with all the good stuff, baby will also be fed trace amounts of paint thinners, dry-cleaning fluids, wood preservatives, toilet deodorizers, cosmetic additives, gasoline byproducts, rocket fuel, termite poisons and flame-retardants. These were the results when Florence Williams sent off a sample of her breastmilk to a lab in Germany. Then she wrote a book about it.

The 22/7 commission, which has spent a year looking into the response to the terrorist attack and massacre carried out by right wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik last summer, has released their report. Last year during the September 11 weekend marking the 10-years anniversary since the terrorist attacks in the U.S. I wrote a piece for a Norwegian newspaper where I suggested that use of scenario planning can forestall or at least improve the response efforts to man-made or natural catastrophes. I am finally posting the English translation of the article here:

The Unthinkable Scenarios

On September 11, 2001 the Bush administration was taken by surprise because it had ignored earlier terrorist warnings. Almost 10 years later terrorism caught our own country by surprise. Was also the Norwegian government plagued by lack of imagination? And what happens to future security if we continue to lag a step or two behind reality by calling extreme events unthinkable?

It’s a week since Norway endured its bloodiest event(s) in modern times and the most serious national security violation since the Nazi occupation in 1940. Rightwing extremist Anders Breivik carried out the worst, and as far as I know, only terrorist attack ever on Norwegian soil. Following a bomb at the government building, which drew most available police and rescue forces to this location, the 32 year old went to a youth camp at the island Utøya and carried out history’s most atrocious shooting spree in peace time – an attack which viciousness was augmented by the fact that it was aimed at unsuspecting minors. Needless to say, the whole country is sill shaken and the whole world shocked at this single man’s blood thirsty, twisted agenda and accomplishments.


Gen Z In The Workplace In The Future of Bussiness