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Are you ready for Library 2.0? Hoopla is an app service that works with Android and iOS to deliver digital library material. The app connects with public libraries across the country via library pin numbers. Users can download content that ranges from ebooks, audiobooks, music, movies and TV-shows. They even provide educational material. And of course it's free. Hoopla is particularly excited about the potential for younger users.

2320348151_3cdbdcd188I like to think that I learned to code as a kid. Well, really I didn't, but if you wanted your family’s Commodore 64 or Atari to do anything, you actually had to use some sort of commands and know basic programming language. This was back when Bill Gates was in his 30s, when Wham churned out holiday hits and we teased our hair until it defied gravity. I remember getting all giddy when I learned how to change the font color from fuchsia to lime green in Pascal – or was it Basic?

ID-100169890Most personal insolvencies these days are caused by expenses related to the two service industries we depend on the most in our modern society – healthcare and education. And not surprisingly some of the most disruptive technological and social innovations are happening in these two areas as well. Much of the skyrocketing healthcare costs in the United States have been attributed to lack of preventative care. Obesity rates have climbed in response to insufficient physical exercise and nutritional ignorance or at least by our slant toward self-deluding eating habits. Health monitoring and simple checkups add to the costs and time spent in doctor’s offices.

Your already born Homelander/ Generation Z/ New Silent child might still follow the 20th century educational model through elementary school. But that is not because we don't have newer, better and more efficient ways of educating children. It's because social change and educational reforms move...


Gen Z In The Workplace In The Future of Bussiness