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It’s a week since Norway endured its bloodiest event(s) in modern times and the most serious national security violation since the Nazi occupation in 1940. Rightwing extremist Anders Breivik carried out the worst, and as far as I know, only terrorist attack ever on Norwegian soil. Following a bomb at the government building, which drew most available police and rescue forces to this location, the 32 year old went to a youth camp at the island Utøya and carried out history’s most atrocious shooting spree in peace time – an attack which viciousness was augmented by the fact that it was aimed at unsuspecting minors. Needless to say, the whole country is sill shaken and the whole world shocked at this single man’s blood thirsty, twisted agenda and accomplishments.

[caption id="attachment_182" align="alignright" width="300"] Source:[/caption] ‘Tiger mother’ Amy Chua refuses to let her children go to play dates and sleepovers. She protects them from the evils of TV and computer games. She protects them from a whole world outside of violin practice and top grades. Are these types of parents really the opposites of indulgent Helicopter parents or are they rather the extreme version of them? Amy Chua is hardly the first remarkable Tiger mother. As she proclaims herself, Chinese parents and parents who are first generation immigrants, are often much more authoritarian than ’Western’ parents. So why is she getting so much attention in the media? Good timing is probably the answer.


Gen Z In The Workplace In The Future of Bussiness