Crowdsourcing is the new outsourcing when it comes to corporate savings. Outsourcing is a way of paying cheaply for services in low cost countries. Crowdsourcing is getting additional savings by engaging vast sources of amateurs and experts anywhere to do it for free - services...
Embedded video from CNN Video A blog post at Gen X Files ponders if parents today are ditching their tendency to over-parent. A short CNN clip and a sudden tide of blogs and books of the "bad-mom-confession" type suggest that the helicopter parents are beginning to slow down...
Eight years to the day after George W. Bush declared "Mission Accomplished", President Obama tells us tonight that one huge mission is indeed accomplished. And this time with more hard evidence than last time - and no embarrassing looking bomber jacket. A small U.S....
Hydrogen is a longstanding green combustable fuel candidate, but has yet to overcome roadblocks such as efficiency and especially safety issues. A major problem is storage. Since hydrogen is a small molecule, it tends to diffuse through the liner material of its container. To make stronger, more...